Holistic Childbirth Education

I teach a comprehensive and holistic childbirth education class supporting parents to use their natural instincts to experience a safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing. I combine many methods, drawing upon hypnosis-centered techniques, such as guided imagery and breath work, as well as the latest research in Pre and Perinatal Psychology, focusing on pre-birth bonding and understanding the consciousness of the little one inside.

Classes include information, exercises and resources on: 

  • preparation to have an empowered and embodied birthing experience
  • nutrition, herbal medicine and homeopathic support
  • options and providers for home, birth center and hospital birth
  • anatomy and physiology of birth
  • how to support variations of the normal birth process
  • how to release fears and prevent trauma
  • exercises on the perception of pain
  • massage and hands-on comfort measures
  • positions for labor
  • postpartum, breastfeeding and newborn care


"Childbirth education with Chanti truly shifted my perception of birth, giving me the tools and belief in myself to accomplish a safe and beautiful birth." - Johanna Guevara-Smiley, Brooklyn, NY


Class Options

  • Small Group Series: 5, 2.5 hour classes
  • Private Series: arranged with your schedule
  • Private Refresher Class: arranged with your schedule, for parents who have already given birth and want to brush up on skills and techniques, includes time to discuss the previous birth experience(s) and how to support siblings



Birth Stories

Heather Broome, Brooklyn New York

After I became pregnant, I was sure I wanted to have an un-medicated, natural labor and delivery. The mind is very powerful and I recognized that I would need to prepare myself mentally to accomplish my goal. I bought the HypnoBirthing® book and read it cover to cover but really wasn't sure how to go about implementing the techniques described in the book. My doula put me in touch with Chanti and we set up five individual meetings for me and my husband at our home. Chanti worked with us each week on our breathing, visualizations and meditation. The work we did was easily applied daily in planning for our baby's birth. Our classes forced me to take some time each day and sit quietly, clear my mind and just breathe, which was so important for me and my baby. Chanti also provided so much information on what actually happens during labor, that both my husband and I were well prepared when the big day came. Ultimately I was able to use all that I had learned, especially the focus on my breath, to get me through my contractions, labor and delivery without medication or any other intervention. Chanti has been an amazing resource, both leading up to my baby's birth and since. She has seemingly endless knowledge on anything and everything I have asked, whether it's about labor, delivery, babies or even the best ways to take care of myself. I honestly don't know how I could have done everything without her. She was a crucial part of our entire experience and I'm so grateful.

Jeralyn Eustace, Brooklyn, New York

I went into labor the night of my due date and had a fantastic experience at the birthing center at St. Luke's. It was exactly what I was hoping for. I was able to labor at home from 10pm to 8am and arrived at the hospital fully dilated and ready to push around 9am. Actually, I wanted to push in the car but that was another story... having our doula was critical, thank you for the encouragement to hire one. She helped me labor in the tub and got me through the car ride, I'm not sure I would have done either without her. I pushed for a little over an hour, it was this part of my labor that I really drew upon what we discussed in class. I visualized him coming down, I used the 'J' breath, and knew that the resting period I was feeling was normal and I was able to welcome it. I could feel him coming down and then moving back up and I understood that this was helping my body to stretch out to accomodate him. I never felt a huge rush to push him out to an unnatural count. I really think this way of controlled pushing helped me to not fear, which was amazing given that I gave birth to an 8.3 lbs baby! I delivered him on hands and knees and once he emerged I was able to pick him up myself and hold him to my body, which was easily the most profound and moving experience in my life. He hasn't left my side every since! Thank you for helping my husband and I prepare for this amazing experience.

Corrine Botz, Brooklyn, New York

Chanti is an amazing birth teacher! Being a midwife, she is incredibly knowledgeable about all aspects of birth and shared her wisdom and experiences with the class. We learned so much from the course and she cultivated a wonderful atmosphere between couples. I worked with Chanti during a private session where she helped me to heal past medical experiences and locate my inner strength, something I need as it was not going to be an easy delivery or postpartum. Despite how informed I felt as a result of the class, I wasn't sure how effective the techniques would be for me when I was in labor. Chanti helped me to keep an open mind and made me feel as if I could utilize the material and techniques in my own way. In the end, I can't believe how much the technqiues helped. I had a long non-medicated labor that wasn't painful; I felt calm and focused throughout. Unfortunately, after five hours of pushing I needed a cesarean section because of the baby's position. I had a lot of postpartum medical complications. Throughout all of these situations, I utilized the relaxation techniques that I learned in the class. I will continue to draw on the techniques in future life experiences. Chanti went above and beyond in her role as a birth teacher. She offered essential emotional support and guidance. We met with her during he postpartum period and she helped us process our birthing experience. I'm a huge advocate of the hypnosis-centered childbirth education and I would recommend Chanti's class without hesitation. Chanti is an amazing person and teacher!